• MEDIHONEY®, with Active Leptospermum Honey (ALN), is the global leadng medical-grade honey product for the management of wounds and burns. Derived from the Leptospermum scoparium species of plant in New Zealand, these unique dressings contain plant-derived properties beneficial throughout all phases of wound healing.

  • Due to its multiple mechanisms of action, MEDIHONEY® is a first-line choice to help in the management of chronic and stalled wounds and to assist in fast, effective debridement of necrotic tissue.

    • Active Leptospermum (Manuka) Honey is the most studied species of honey
    • Shown to help wounds that have staged under first-line treatment
    • High osmolarity aids in cleansing and debridement
    • Low pH helps to decrease protease activity
    • Continues to be effective, even in the presence of wound fluid
    • Subject of several randomized controlled studies
  • MEDIHONEY® Has Been the Subject of Several RCTs

    A 108 patient randomized controlled study of patents With stalled wounds showed 44% of wounds healed in the MEDIHONEY® arm by week 12 vs. 33% in the Hydrogel arm (p = 0.037).

The Role of MEDIHONEY®

Non-viable / Necrotic tissue Osmotic activity Aids inautolytic and mechanicaldebridement

Constant outflow of lymphaic fluid delivers plasminogen to wouldsite, helping to break down necrotic tissue
High levels of proteases pH modulation A reduction in pH heps to decrease protease activityand reduce slough
Impaired fibroblast activity pH modulation Lower pH level levels help to optimize conditions for fibroblast migration proliferation, organization of collagen
Impaired perfusion and decreased tissue oxygenation Osmotic activity pH modulation Osmotic potential helps to reduce edemaa and increase the oxygen flow to the wound area. A decrease in pH helps to release oxygen into the blood steam